Monday, May 21, 2012

Marathon Training?

Mrs. Arlette Goofy & ME!!
check out that bling

Crazy? I am going to train to run a FULL MARATHON!!!!

So I have decided to run a marathon, some dear friends are there to cheer and some think I have flat lost my mind, I love the sistas!! This will be my story, I will start off with a little of history!

It all starts in Summer 2011, Arlette was doing the Goofy(half & full marathon, one day a apart), Wendi was doing the Full and Jill talks me into doing the half, I thought yeah this is one of those things on my bucket list, but I was worried that I would get swept and that would have been more than I could handle…So I start to train and it seems I can never get into a routine! December comes around and I sign up to the local gym and start using the tread mill…

Its Trip time, after a knock down drag out fight with DH, I made it to Disney! Race day, Arlette, Jill and I head to the starting line, after being herded to the start line I am thinking WHAT did I get myself into…

We started off, I felt pretty good, keeping up with Mrs. Goofy Arlette, I think we were doing a 2:1 ration or maybe it was 1:1, heck I can’t remember! Anyhos, we lost Jill in the first mile  (sad face)!!! I stayed with Mrs Goofy until abt mile 7 when she put here head phones in and did her little dance…I could see her up until 8, then I lost her….At Mile 9 I hit rock bottom…I made a call back home to my BFF, Well I had forgot to tell her I was running a half so she was shocked, but she of course made a big deal, after she cheered me up, off I went…The rest I remember thinking only 3 more miles, only 2 more miles, and then the legs just WOULD NOT work to run…I decided as long as the work to walk, I’m good…I was still worried abt getting swept until I turned towards Epcot, but I found out later that they don’t get you after mile 11ish or was that 12…Entering Epcot I ran into Linda (carswell) and I stayed with her up until Mile 13 and then I decided I would run that last, IF my legs allowed it…I crossed the finish line and kept waiting for the tears of joy, they never came (I bet I sweated them out) Anywhos I was great until I finally saw Arlette, which I would have NEVER finished this race without her. I will never forget that look on her face. That moment will stick withme! I knew going in I had to stay with her until the half way point if I wanted to finish the race. Well I finished, sore and miserable, but my fault for not training….But it stuck in the back of my head that I stayed with Mrs Goofy Arlette until mile 7, what could I do if I actually trained…And then it was okay I did the ½ like I knew I could…What abt the full…Then I decided my mind was wacked out of it from the run!! 

Fast Forward to May 18, 2012…I finally see the post on facebook abt the new Marathon Course…And wow it does look great…Something abt every 5-6 Miles…Then it was, Am I losing it, do I really want to run that far? CRAZY….Later that night, when I couldn’t sleep I started reseaching…I am 36, over weight and NOT happy with myself, time to do something abt that…And what better way to start training for a FULL FREAKING MARATHON…I made the fateful text to Arlette, I’m in…Whats next??  Oh and did I mention I HATE to run….Joy for me!!

So starting tommorow I start my Runs, 30min of running with 30sec walk 30sec Run, following the Jeff Galloway training paln… My goal for the marathon is a 12-13 mile, which means  running 2min and walking 1. Should be doable!

Oh and then I talked to Wendi this morning, shes excited that I am board but then mentions I really should find a "pratice marathon in the fall to run! ;0(   Maybe the Wichita half marathon in October!

Stay tuned!

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